DOB questionnaire reveals SOME COMPARISONS BETWEEN


1. Introduction

Publication last September of the results of a DOB survey of Lesbians gave rise to the suggestion that a similar survey be undertaken of male homosexuals. Accordingly, in the following months a 4-page questionnai re was prepared by the DOB, similar to that previously distributed to women, and circulated by the Mattachine Society and ONE, Inc.

Approximately 100 replies were received to this second survey, so that the following report covers 100 cases, compared to 157 cases for the original survey.

For a full statement of the purposes and limitations of this survey, the September, 1959, issue of THE LADDER, containing a report of the original study, should be referred to. It is important to keep in mind that:



As the original study could not be taken as representative of Lesbians in general, so the present one may not be taken as representative of male homosexuals in general.

The comparisons made in this report samot therefore be taken as indicating differences in general between male and female homosexuals, They do indicate some differences between a particular group of male homosexuals and a somewhat comparable group of Lesbians.

3. The ambiguities in certain questions, found in working with the first study, necessarily remain in the present one. Rephrasing of questions on any large scale would not have been consistent with meaningful comparison of results. The original report should